Tuesday, April 7, 2009



Happiness leads to success in every realm of life. When this fact is borne in mind, all elements leading to this end become positive instruments helping us attain happiness. Here are some secrets to always be happy.
1. You should have a strong will to be happy. Every morning you wake up, you must say to yourself that I shall be happy come what may. If you wait till tomorrow, tomorrow shall never come. The food on the table may not be to your liking, people may praise your or criticize you, weather may be cold or hot, and your should never look for a chance to complain and never give up your birth right to be happy. Everyday seek to do what you promised yourself each morning—happiness.
2. Cut down your desires. It is the main cause of suffering. Just go back to your own past. Was it worth being unhappy because your particular desire was unfulfilled? If not, is it worth being unhappy because a certain desire is not being fulfilled at present? This desire may not have any significance to you in the future. Some of your desires are bound to be unfulfilled and this becomes the cause of your sadness.
3. Cleanse your mind. If your mind is full of thoughts of passion and pride, resentment, ill-will, revenge, envy and jealousy, or hatred and greed, how can you expect yourself to be happy? A person with such thoughts drinks a poison himself to kill others.
4. Keep on always smiling. Learn to laugh. Laugh and the world laughs with you. Laugh even when the world laughs at you. Laugh at yourself. Even when somebody passes you a nasty comment or glare, reply with a smile.
5. Keep a positive attitude. Wake up in the morning with an exciting idea and by humming a positive tune. Your heart will become a singing heart. A singing heart is the key to true happiness in life.
6. Help others. You are bound to be happy by helping others become happy. Happiness is very much like a perfume; you cannot spray it on others without getting a part of it yourself.

Dr. Singh

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